For when your cat is getting old: Senior food

Cat lying on a chairCat lying on a chair

A cat can be considered a ‘senior citizen’ when it is aged between 10 and 12 years old. With increasing age, changes occur in the metabolism and energy resources as well as the nutritional requirements of your feline friend. 

What tends to be problematic among older cats is their kidney function, which can become impaired. So it's important to have regular check-ups with their vet from the age of 8 onwards, so that their kidneys can also be checked at this time. This way, problems can be detected in time and measures can be taken to promptly counteract them before serious problems occur. 

What to be aware of about senior cat food 

Kidney function can be optimally supported with the right food. High-quality food with a high meat content that provides valuable proteins is essential. As a cat's requirement for food containing phosphorus decreases as they get older, special senior food must have a reduced phosphorus content. Otherwise, it could have an added negative effect on their kidneys. In collaboration with vets and nutritional experts, our CAT'S LOVE meals are carefully adapted to the needs of your pets' respective ages, and you can be sure that every cat is provided with the best possible care to stay healthy for a long time to come.

Vulnerable teeth 

As with us humans, dental matter in cats noticeably deteriorates and older cats gradually lose their teeth. So it is all the more important that senior cats can also eat and chew their food well. We therefore recommend that you reduce the amount of dry food you feed them and increase their wet food. 

Easily digestible 

Even the most robust of cat stomachs and digestion eventually become impaired with increasing age. Digestion slows down and nutrients are not absorbed as well as before. So for one thing, special food for older cats must be well tolerated and digestible, and for another, it must have a higher proportion of certain vitamins and trace elements. Since we at CAT'S LOVE always refrain from adding artificial sugar anyway as well as showing the door to grains, you are on the safe side with our premium food range.

A cat with a CAT'S LOVE Senior foodA cat with a CAT'S LOVE Senior food

New habits

Cat owners often notice that their older cats eat noticeably less. This is primarily due to the fact that our feline friends move considerably less after a certain age and therefore the energy requirement is no longer as high as with a young bundle of energy. Your cat may also start refusing food it had been eating. This is not uncommon for senior cats and therefore not a cause for concern. 

Food supplements - yes or no?

We do not advise simply giving your pet food supplements without consulting your vet. A thorough and regular examination will show whether your senior cat has symptoms of a deficiency and whether supplementary vitamins, minerals and trace elements are required to resolve them.If it is medically necessary, there is of course nothing wrong with food supplements – quite the opposite: Your cat needs them to stay healthy and energetic for a long time. If you choose high-quality balanced food right from kittenhood, you will ensure that deficiency symptoms do not occur in the first place – and thus guarantee your cat a long and healthy life by your side.

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