Kitten sitting in a small basket made of fabric and looking upwardsKitten sitting in a small basket made of fabric and looking upwards

CAT'S LOVE stands for high-quality cat food made from preferably regional ingredients. But who is behind the brand? A portrait of founder Katharina Miklauz.

Katharina Miklauz with her family catKatharina Miklauz with her family cat

Katharina Miklauz loves animals. This is shown both by her CV and the passion with which she goes about her work every day. 

Even as a child, Katharina was constantly around animals. The family cat, a Münsterländer, dwarf hamsters and rabbits were her faithful companions from infancy to her university years. 

Speaking of studies, the native Viennese completed her studies in Salzburg. Initially, there was no indication that she would one day use her communications studies to be a pioneer in stirring up the pet food market in Austria. 

The foundation for this was laid by Katharina's first own dog, Nala. Of course, Katharina only wanted the best for her. Aware of her responsibility for her Golden Retriever Katharina began to conscientiously question which nutrients were beneficial for her pet and which were not. However, in her search for a regionally produced organic food from Austria, Katharina did not find what she was looking for at the time.

Then came the day that marks the beginning of the company's history. It sounds almost too good to be true: During a walk Katharina and Nala met the Vizsla male Pluto and his master. People and dogs got along very well and today, in addition to the two dogs, the family consists of two children and a couple of small horses.

What does this have to do with CAT'S LOVE? Everything! Because in many conversations together, Katharina and Stefan realized that there was an absolute need for sustainable, high-quality pet food from Austria. So why not pave the way for it together, step by step? In 2014, DOG'S LOVE was launched in Vienna. Due to the great demand, CAT'S LOVE followed in 2017.

To this day, Katharina appreciates the fact that the close-knit structure of the family business allows for short decision-making paths and fast communication within the team. She loves working on the development of new, even better products. She knows how important it is that our cats' diets are tailored to their individual needs. Quality variety is essential for her. 

To this day, Katharina appreciates that the close-knit structure of the family business allows for short decision-making paths and fast communication within the team. She most enjoys working on the development of new, even better products. She knows how important it is that our cats' diets are tailored to their individual needs. Quality variety is indispensable for her.

Katharina Miklauz in her youth strokes her family catKatharina Miklauz in her youth strokes her family cat
Peta illustration with bunnies and the text Animal Test-FreePeta illustration with bunnies and the text Animal Test-Free

Animal welfare is also a major concern for Katharina. Ethical handling and species-appropriate husbandry are a must for everything that says CAT'S LOVE on it. The brand carries the PETA Approved seal and regularly supports various animal welfare projects. Animal testing is not involved in any step of the process. If new products are to be tried, the furry employees of CAT'S LOVE are happy to take over.

Raw materials in 100% food quality, open declaration and sustainable packaging are among the extraordinary features of CAT'S LOVE. 

Every day Katharina receives messages from people who thank her and tell her how well their pets are doing since they discovered CAT'S LOVE. This pleases the founder most of all and spurs her on every day to make the best food for our cats!