Why do cats hunt? Hunting behaviour in cats

A cat hunts outdoors in natureA cat hunts outdoors in nature

With their grace and dexterity, cats are true masters of hunting – qualities that rightly deem them as the expert mouse-catchers they are famously portrayed as in popular culture. Even the sight of a cat quietly sneaking up on their prey reveals their relationship to big cats like lions and tigers: the crouched stance, the lithe movements, the focussed gaze – a perfect hunter on the lookout.

The hunting instinct is deeply rooted in cats. Genetically conditioned and untrainable, it manifests itself in their typical ‘ambush technique’: waiting, observing, striking. This efficient method connects all cat species, large or small. Our feline friends are opportunistic hunters – they adapt and use opportunities to kill their prey with as little effort as possible.

This instinct also shaped the relationship between cats and humans. When African wildcats began to adapt to human settlements, they still remained independent hunters. And even today, many cats could easily survive on their own, even if they reproachfully remind us to fill their empty bowls.

Little hunters

Cats are not only fascinating because of their lithe movements, but also because of their impressive speed. When pursuing prey, they can reach speeds of up to 48 km/h.

Their fine senses play a crucial role here: they see well even in the dark thanks to their pupils, they have excellent hearing and a strong sense of smell. With their sharp teeth and pointed claws, they are perfectly equipped for hunting.

Even domestic cats, who no longer need to hunt, still have this deep-rooted instinct. To allow them to channel this instinct safely, toys such as feather dangling wands or laser pointers are suitable choices. They mimic the movements of prey and provide variety that challenges cats both mentally and physically.

A cat runs very fast in the wildA cat runs very fast in the wild

5 practical tips: how to protect your cat and other animals during birthing season

Cats are curious by nature and are magically attracted to the many young animals in birthing season. But this hunting instinct can not only endanger wildlife, but also your cat.

Unfortunately, birds and small rodents can be infected with various diseases and worms, exposing hunting cats to significantly higher health risks. Apart from this, some prey animals may also leave your cat with serious injuries, especially if they put up a fight when defending themselves.

Special care should be taken between 1 April and 15 July: in Austria and Germany, most wild animals birth their offspring during this time. While dogs are subject to strict leash requirements on forest and dirt roads, it is also important for cat owners to protect both their pets and wild animals. Both can be implemented with a few simple measures:

Tip 1: Keep cats indoors. Birds are especially active in the morning hours, while many other animals prefer twilight and night. You are doing your cat and the wildlife a favour by keeping them indoors early in the morning and overnight.

Tip 2: Cat collars with bells. The ringing can warn birds and allow them to escape. It is important that the collar is safe and can be pulled off if necessary so that your cat does not get stuck.

Tip 3: Secure the garden or balcony. If possible, design part of your garden so that your cat can enjoy the fresh air without coming into conflict with wildlife. A cat-safe garden not only protects nature, but also offers your cat a safe environment.

Tip 4: Tire your cat out with games. Hunting instincts can be channelled wonderfully with varied games. Interactive toys such as feather dangling wands, balls or slow feeder boards exert your cat mentally and physically. This way, you can ensure that your cat is happy and entertained.

Tip 5: Feed them particularly high-quality and healthy cat food. A balanced and protein-rich diet helps your cat to stay healthy and increases their satisfaction. You can also create treasure hunts with high-quality snacks.

A cat plays with an intelligence game in the flatA cat plays with an intelligence game in the flat

Alternative activities for cats that enjoy hunting

Cats need exercise and mental challenges to stay happy and healthy. If you offer your cat alternatives to channel their hunting instincts, you can keep them meaningfully entertained while protecting nature. It is important that cats emulate natural behaviours and are provided with a stimulating environment in which they can channel their curiosity and hunting instincts.

  • Interactive Toys: Feathers, balls, and mechanical mice or fish mimic the movements of prey. These toys directly appeal to your cat's hunting instincts, so they can have lots of fun and exercise.
  • Dangling wands: a classic among cat toys and very popular for good reason. You can keep your cat stimulated while also strengthening your bond.
  • Treasure hunts: hide treats in your house, or in a rustling box (cardboard box filled with scrunched up newspaper) and let your cat look for them. This not only requires their intuition, but also offers mental stimulation and variety in everyday life.
  • Intelligence Toys: Slow feeder boards are a wonderful way to mentally challenge your cat. They encourage reflection when the cat has to find out how to get the treats out and how to open the various compartments.
  • Creative construction projects: Cats love cardboard boxes and cases. You can let your creativity run free and build tunnel systems, castles or courses. Your cat will love to overcome obstacles and new challenges. This works especially well if the motivation is there: you can create incentives with dangling wands, toys or treats.

The right entertainment keeps your cat fit and satisfied, in addition, it helps to channel their hunting instinct in a playful way. At the same time, you help protect wild animals and ensure that your cat remains safe.

For a harmonious coexistence

During the birthing season from April to July, special care is required to ensure both the safety of your cat and the protection of nature. The balance in nature is fragile, and by considering the environmental impact of our outdoor cats, we are making a valuable contribution to a healthy ecosystem – while minimising potential risks to our feline friends.

With a combination of species-appropriate care and targeted stimulation, you can keep your cat happy and contribute to harmonious coexistence between people, animals and nature.

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