Duo protein for cats: discover the benefits

Katze die in die Luft schlecktKatze die in die Luft schleckt

A gentle meow, a loving nudge of the nose, a demanding paw: Cats have many ways of letting their humans know they need something. A reproachful look at their bowls is another common way of expressing their hunger.

But what is the best thing to fill their bowls with? Ideally, their feed should stimulate the senses and pamper the palate while also being healthy and fulfilling nutritional requirements. Good cat food:

  • consists of high-quality ingredients


  • provides all the important vitamins & nutrients


  • contains sufficient high-quality protein


  • includes exclusively food-grade quality ingredients


  • is developed with care & expertise

The ideal cat meal always contains a large portion of protein, which is very important for a healthy and balanced diet for cats. Discover how duo protein recipes contribute to a healthy diet tailored to cats' needs.

Cat sitting behind a pack of CAT'S LOVE Salmon & ChickenCat sitting behind a pack of CAT'S LOVE Salmon & Chicken

What is protein? 

  • Essential nutrient


  • Building block of muscles, organs, enzymes & hormones


  • Enables vital bodily functions (of cats, as well as humans)


  • Regulates metabolic processes


  • Essential for well-being and health

Why is protein so important for cats?

  • Cats are obligate carnivores and must obtain all their protein from animal sources


  • Cats cannot produce specific amino acids such as taurine themselves


  • Cats have a fast metabolism & need high-quality nutrients 


  • Cats need approx. 2–4 grams of protein per 1 kg of body weight (depending on age, health & activity level)

Duo protein: The perfect combination for your cat's health!

  • Duo protein: a combination of different protein sources in one cat food.


  • Each type of meat has a specific profile of amino acids, which can be combined to optimally meet your cat's needs.


  • A variety of protein sources helps to obtain all the important nutrients & to fulfil all nutritional requirements.


  • Carefully composed recipes from several animal proteins such as Salmon & Chicken, Veal & Turkey or Turkey & Game are temptingly tasty and also healthy. 

The benefits of duo-protein cat food:

  • Optimal nutrition: Duo protein provides a balanced diet that meets the needs of cats. The variety of protein sources prevents deficiency symptoms and promotes health.
  • Muscle development and maintenance: High-quality protein supports muscle development and helps to maintain muscle mass in cats. This is particularly important for active cats and growing kittens.
  • Healthy skin and a shiny coat: Protein is crucial for healthy skin and coat. An adequate supply of protein helps to prevent skin irritation and promotes a shiny, healthy coat. 
Cat lies on a fluffy coat and in front of her is a tin of veal & turkeyCat lies on a fluffy coat and in front of her is a tin of veal & turkey

The irresistible flavour of duo protein cat food: A treat for all the senses!

  • Duo protein cat food offers an impressively diverse list of ingredients


  • Treats cats' palates to an exciting flavour experience


  • Delights even picky and demanding cats with its variety of flavours


  • Stimulates cats' appetites with a rich and balanced flavour & creates excitement around feeding time 


  • Awakens cats' senses and stimulates their appetite with a particularly aromatic odour before they even take their first bite


  • Makes every feeding a varied experience & culinary adventure 

Duo protein is a first-class choice for cats. Thanks to the combination of different protein sources, it provides an optimum supply of essential nutrients and supports the health and vitality of your feline friend. Only the finest will do when it comes to feeding your cat!